Glenloch Residents Association Incorporated


An Association formed under the laws of the State of Victoria.

The Glenloch Tenants Association Incorporated was formed as a result of excessive increases in rents by management in 2019. From this initial issue investigation into related matters disclosed many of the issues now the subject of issues raised herein. Membership is open for all residents of Glenloch properties who support the aims of the Association to promote the interests and welfare of the residents of Glenloch Inc in relation to their occupancy of those properties. The name Glenloch Tenants Association changed from 20 April 2022 to Glenloch Residents Association Incorporated A0109567F.

Snail Mail: The Secretary, Glenloch Residents Association, u9 16 Sutherland Road, Armadale.

Transfer of Glenloch Inc assets after 134 years to Housing First through Board mistakes. Board Mistakes.
Dont have a will? Australian Seniors has an excellent online FREE WILL KIT.
The Manager and the Board send Glenloch Inc broke.
Finances 2013 to 2023. It could go to your Downloads folder.
Resident injured 15.02.24 on wooden ramp not maintained more than 6 years - photo 16.02.24.
Ramp at 47 Sutherland Rd.
Almost 12% of Glenloch Inc revenue has gone to the Manager who had this responsibility. We will now have to pay more rent for increased insurance.
Goodbye Oates Lane Toorak perfect Affordable units for young professionals needing closeness to hospitals, police stations, fire facilities, city jobs etc
– these 20 modern homes bought from our rent while pensioners dont need to be in Toorak as times change.
HousingFirst letter to Residents dated 7th August 2023 and the Residents Association reply is at:The Real Housing First Ltd.

Your Rent with Housing First Ltd

From their website you can calculate your rent if the policy is implemented as stated.
Housing First Rent Formula.
for pensioners it is 30% of income, but it does not state if this includes or excludes supplements but includes it in Appendix B calculation, it
does exclude the rent assistance in the Policy but includes it in Appendix B calculation.
Deliberate confusion in the Rent Policy to push aged pensioners into rent poverty. See Rent Calculation Formula.
Applying Appendix B - Example of Rent Calculation in the Housing First Rent Setting Policy many rents of Glenloch will increase by an average of 55%.
When requested to sign the lease we advise insisting on a non-revocable term of the lease that rent increases shall not exceed CPI and if not agreed to
take the matter to VCAT immediately not Consumer Affairs as suggested by Housing First.
The lands of Glenloch Inc that HousingFirst Ltd wants to get and why-
See the properties Glenloch Inc in prime real estate at:
Glenloch's valuable prime real estate in exclusive Melbourne.

Takeover of Glenloch Inc by Housing First Ltd

Housing First Ltd is a company limited by gaurantee in the sum of five dollars (Yes! that is $5). It has a debt to asset ratio greater than 40%. An analysis of its published accounts listed with the Charities Regulator at is herewith by clicking the link.Housing First Ltd Accounts It could go to your Downloads folder.
From 2019 Housing First more than doubled their debt taking advantage of very low interest rates on fixed mortgages. Since then interest rates have increased and Housing First has miscalculated and found its fixed interest mortgages at low interest rates will become variable interest mortgages at more than three times the original rate and so have sought to takeover Glenloch Inc assets with no debt to improve their gearing ratio. There is no advantage to Glenloch in such a takeover. It has infected Glenloch Inc perfect balance sheet with a deathly virus while the manager of Glenloch Inc in breached on duties to it has secured a personal financial benefit from Housing First.

Housing First Ltd accounts
Glenloch Inc has been known by that name since 1991 but established from private and public donations in 1891 and has successfully survived by being prudent. The Housing First Ltd gearing ratio of above 40% is not a court sanctioned level for a charity and the matter is worse as the debt level was increased during the period of low fixed interest mortgages that in the near future will convert to the variable rate that is much higher putting more pressure on the balance sheet and if this is combined with building contracts in breach or possible breach due to building industry costs increases it endangers the assets of Glenloch Inc. Who at Housing First Ltd is getting the charity’s money and how much via related party contracts? What due diligence was done by the Board and management of Glenloch Inc? Stakeholders in Glenloch Inc have a right to know.

Guarantee of life estate by Glenloch Inc
Glenloch Inc in the past did not have residents sign a lease. They were guaranteed life residency but if not capable of living independently their relatives would take steps to re-house them in appropriate housing and they were required to sign a written guarantee to that effect that was held in the records of Glenloch Inc. Manager Keenan introduced leases so some persons would have a lease and not signed the guarantee but were assured the same policy applied of life tenancy unless incapable of independent living.
Anyone who signed such a guarantee is requested to immediately contact us so that court proceedings can start to protect your rights.

Trust Law and Cy-pres and Victorian Attorney-General Approval
[Take-over of Glenloch Inc. a Victorian Incorporated Association by Housing First Ltd a company limited by guarantee of $5 under the Corporations Law.]
Glenloch (under that name since 1991 on registration of Glenloch Inc.) was established in 1891 by private and public donations. It would be expected to be subject to Trust Law Cy-pres and the Attorney-General is in law the representative of the deceased donors and so Court approval and the Attorney have to approve the take-over with other requirements. If all these issues are omitted the take-over may be illegal and so any dealing between Housing First Ltd and residents of Glenloch Inc. such as the leases it has required from residents may also be illegal. A volunteer test case in the Supreme Court is now sought from residents.

Are you being requested to sign a lease with Housing First Ltd we suggest you talk to your lawyer about a clause in the lease like the following: 'If the building I sign the lease in with Housing is redeveloped I will be entitled to first right of refusal to a unit of not less than the square metre size of my existing unit and it shall be at a rental of no more than 30% of the basic aged pension (assuming sole source of income) excluding supplements and Commonwealth rent subsidy.'

A Short History of Glenloch.
It could go to your Downloads folder.
Australian Dictionary of Biography - Sir Matthew Davies. Matthew Davies MP
Sir Matthew Davies. The Felton Bequest and other Donors.Trove.
Rules of Glenloch Inc - see See Item 39 hereunder.
The Rules of Glenloch Inc were changed by Special Resolution in February and listed with CAV in April 2022. The current Governance Document for Glenloch Inc is now on the ACNC website at the foot of the Financials and Documents tab. Glenloch Governance Document For those wishing to compare the former Rules of Glenloch Inc with these amended Rules the former Rules are at:Former Rules

Trust and Charities Law re Purposes - ACNC Commissioner: It Is All About Purposes
It is illegal to change the Purposes of a Charity without Court approval. Management has changed Glenloch Inc to a property developer. The ACNC Commissioner has warned against straying from a Charity's purposes. See: ACNC Commissioner:Purpose-Dont Stray.

Is Glenloch Inc using Reserves to cover Expenses?

Glenloch Expenses increased 11% in 2021 and 63% in 2022 and total rents fallen both years and now using up Reserves?
In 2020 Charity Guide Australia published an assessment of the financial position of Glenloch Inc that is at 3rd Blog hereunder. Residents received a Glenloch Inc notice disputing the findings of Charity Guide that is at Notice to tenants from the Glenloch Inc Board dated 22nd June 2021. in Correspondence hereunder. The Charity Guide chart is now appended to complete the chart to 30 June 2022. See Item 11 and Item 23 in the Correspondence hereafter. The source of the information for the charts is from the Glenloch Inc accounts lodged with ACNC and for verification available at
The 2022 accounts for Glenloch Inc are online at: Glenloch Inc 2022 accounts online.

The Residents Association reply to the Presidents Report 2022:
Glenloch Inc Presidents Report 2022. See Correspondence Item 40 for the Reply.
The Report is in the 2022 accounts for Glenloch Inc online at Glenloch Inc 2022 accounts online.
The Board churn en masse under this Manager churn

2023 Budget and Pensioners
*ability to purchase two months’ worth of medicine for the price of a single prescription.
*access to a greater number of bulk-billing GPs.
*pensioners can earn up to $11,800 before their pension is reduced
*electricity bills subsidised by up to $500 (Victoria $250)
*an additional 9,500 Home Care Packages
*increase the maximum rates of Rent Assistance by 15 percent (from 20 September 2023). Services Australia
Reserve Bank Media Release on Inflation and Interest Rates 2 May 2023- RBA Media Release 2 May 2023
Pensioner and beneficiary LCI Mar Qtr 23 - 2.2%, Year to Mar Qtr 23 - 7.3% ABS
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 1.9 per cent in the December 2022 quarter and 7.8 per cent annually - ABS Media Release 25/01/2023
Pension increase of $37.50 and Rent Subsidy increase of $5.80 (max) from 20 Sep 2022- see para 38. hereunder.
See website: September 2023 pension changes.
For rent subsidy see: September rent assistance changes.
ABS Monthly CPI now available - see ABS: ABS Monthly CPI.
Cancelled meetings with election candidates – see 16th Blog hereunder.
Residents cease communicating with Management - see 21st Blog hereunder.
Open-flue heater ban - carbon monoxide alert - see Open Flue Ban.
ACNC requires related party transactions disclosure - see item 15. Correspondence and 23rd Blog.
Federal and Victorian Legislation and Bills - see Federal and Victorian Laws and Bills

Correspondence for information of members:

1. Submission to the Board of Glenloch Inc in relation to the 2019 rent increases.

2. Survey of Tenant Preferences for Glenloch Management System.

3. Memorandum to tenants in relation to the formation of the Association.

4. Notice to tenants from the Glenloch Inc Board dated 22nd June 2021.

5. Reply to 4 by Glenloch Tenants Association Incorporated.

6. Notice to Renters from the Glenloch Incorporated Board dated 19th August 2021.

7. Association reply to Residents about Board document of 19 August 2021.

8. Association Letter re 3 Oates Lane Armadale.

9. Purported Notices from Glenloch Inc.

10. Kerrie Howard letter 4 Oct 2021.

11. Glenloch Inc Accounts Extracts 2013 to 2022 and Graph based on those Accounts.

12. RULES A0023152Y...CEO as Secretary.

13. Donations to Glenloch Inc.

14. Salaries of Manager and CEO.

15. Glenloch Inc and Related Party Transactions.

16. Rent Increase Null and Void.

17. Board Implodes and Exits.

18. Purposes of the Trust named Glenloch.

19. CEO qualifications and experience.

20. An Office of Profit and Secretary.

21. Rule 42 sub rule 6.

22. Property developer too?

23. Income Expenses Surplus Salary 2013 to 2022 Glenloch Inc.

24. Glenloch Inc average rent and the maximum Rent Assistance.

25. Interest Rate Cycle moves against CEO on ‘Housing development’.

26. The millions you have paid off Glenloch's loans.

27. Wages of full time caretaker at Glenloch Grove 34E Rose Street Armadale.

28. No Building Supervisors Independent Living Independent Dying.

29. Where are the Stonnington Council members on the Glenloch Inc Board.

30. Grumblings and Mumblings of the Bald and Grey-Haired.

31. Maurice Blackburn Free Claim Checker.

32. Age Pensioner Living Cost Index March Qtr 2022.

33. Application for the Appointment of an Administrator.

34. Certificate in name of Glenloch Residents Association Inc.

35. Charity sells St Kilda Building with Tenants facing Eviction.

36. Reply from Katie Allen MP to your Association.

37. Where are the former Supervisors Wages and Super in the accounts?

38. Rent for 2023 and CPI.

39. Glenloch Inc Governance Rules.

40. Reply to the Glenloch Inc President’s Report 2022.

41. Why is the Glenloch Inc Board Churning?

42. Victorian and Federal help with solar.

1st Blog
Two Secretaries neither Vice-President Rule 45
2nd Blog
Charities Guide assesses Glenloch Inc
3rd Blog
Related Party Contracts and Glenloch Inc
4th Blog
President now Secretary
5th Blog
Board and Office of Profit
6th Blog
CEO and Office of Profit
7th Blog
Board Implodes – CEO as Secretary advertises for Board
8th Blog
CEO of myself
9th Blog
Work it out amongst yourselves
10th Blog
Some Contacts for Residents
11th Blog
Interest Rate Cycle moves against CEO on ‘Housing Development’
12th Blog
Glenloch Inc average rent now exceeds the maximum Rent Assistance 'RA'
13th Blog
Bouquet or Brickbats - 20 new residents
14th Blog
No general rent rise 2022 but average rent is rising. How?
15th Blog
Change the name to Glenloch Residents Association Incorporated A0109567F.
16th Blog
Cancelled meetings with election candidates.
17th Blog
Glenloch Inc refuses to comply with its Dispute Rule under its own lease.
18th Blog
Glenloch residents applying for alternate accommodation.
19th Blog
Food scraps dumped at the rear of 25 Sutherland for over 12 months.
20th Blog
16 Sutherland roof repairs and incorrect leaks diagnosis.
21st Blog
Residents cease communication with Management.
22nd Blog
Electricity prices 2022 and 2023 from Treasury.
23rd Blog
Related Party Transactions and Glenloch Inc.
24th Blog
Malicious Damage at Glenloch.
25th Blog
Police visit 45 Sutherland over violence.

1.Submission to the Board of Glenloch Inc in relation to the 2019 rent increases.

The Board Members
Glenloch Incorporated


Glenloch Tenants Association
Meeting 16/08/2019 at 16 Sutherland Road Armadale

A sample of rent increases for 2019 showed an average increase for 2019 of 5.2% over 2018 rents. This increase was a major factor in tenants associating to form the Glenloch Tenants Association.

Rent for the year 2020

A meeting of the Association on 16/08/2019 resolved to raise prospective annual rent for 2020 with Glenloch Incorporated. The following quotes are from the Glenloch Inc Annual Rent Review January -2019 letter to tenants dated 23 August 2018.

“The Glenloch Board has undertaken a review of rent levels for all of its units and as a result, new rents are to introduced from 1st January 2019.” , and- “In line with the Board's policy of keeping rent reviews to a minimum, the current review is moderate and reflects CPI movement and some increase in water expenses and utilities. It also takes into consideration the costs of building maintenance, including electrical, plumbing and handyman works as well as the gardens.”

From the CPI chart used by Victorian Consumer Affairs below CPI for the first two quarters of 2019 was 0.7% estimate for whole year of 1.4% whereas 2019 rents as stated was increased 5.2% this being 3.71 times CPI for estimated 2019 CPI whereas in prior years to 2019 management managed to contain rent increases to within 0.5% of CPI increases. CPI is published two weeks after each quarter while rents are set each year on the first day of the new year while the law requires 60 days notification of rent increases.

It is noted from the accounts for 2017 and 2018 there was a significant increase in net liabilities used to fund assets increases but also in relation to that debt the statement of the President in the 2016 accounts that “Glenloch will be net cash positive by December 2019 and the loan fully repaid during 2020.”

Except for 2019 management maintained rent increases to within 0.5% of CPI even with the debt. It is submitted rents for 2020 should be returned to the 0.5% band of CPI.

Maeve Browne-Cooper
The Secretary
Glenloch Tenants Association

Victorian Consumer Affairs uses the following table of CPI for purposes of rent determination.
Consumer Price Index (CPI). Consumer price index rates page on the Australian Taxation Office
website (excerpt-full chart for earlier years is at the web address)


2. Survey of tenants preferences for Glenloch Management System

The Tenants Association was formed two years ago in response to managements increase in rents of on average four times CPI and as a result of a resolution of the Association representation was made directly to the Board of Glenloch Inc. Prior managements held rents under 20% of the aged pension. Glenloch is a public charity established in 1891 with a private donation of 10 acres of land at Cheltenham and is not a commercial enterprise squeezing money from pensioner tenants.

Prior to the current management system at Glenloch each building had a responsible resident tenant supervisor in each of the Glenloch properties to whom any resident in that property could relate on a personal level about any issue about their occupancy at Glenloch. The supervisor then consulted the Manager and the occupant could get a resolution of any issue on a personal level.

The current system introduced after Mr Keenan retired requires occupants to contact the Chief Executive Officer of Glenloch Inc. It is intimidating for many residents who are elderly to have to telephone a Chief Executive Officer who is monitoring seven buildings in various suburbs and is on duty 9 to 5 Monday to Friday while we occupants of Glenloch are here 24 hours 7 days a week. This is far less adequate than the old system of talking to a building supervisor who lives with you in the same building and is aware of the situation in the building in which both live.

The current system is three times more expensive than the prior system. The CharitiesGuide shows the current management of Glenloch Inc. has expenses growing at 7% with income of 4% and therefore heading us into financial difficulties that will result in increased rents in the future unless we act now. Please consider joining if you are not a member of the Tenants Association.

The CharitiesGuide:

Vote YES to return to the previous system. Vote NO for the present system.
Replies to

Snail mail replies: Glenloch Tenants Association Incorporated A0109567F
47 Sutherland Road, Armadale. 3143

3. Memorandum to tenants in relation to the formation of the Association.

Dear Glenloch Tenant

Some tenants have indicated they were unaware of the Glenloch Tenants Association Incorporated.

The CEO of Glenloch Inc John Candlish put up rents for 2019 almost four times CPI so an urgent meeting of tenants was called and as a result resolutions passed to write to the Board direct and to incorporate the Tenants Association. For your information the letter to the Board from the Tenants Association is reproduced below. Rent for 2020 was kept within CPI but rents for new tenants are being arbitrarily increased – check your rent with your neighbours.

The income of Glenloch Inc is over $1.4 million pa and nearly all is from your rent but tenants have no representation on the Board so we are calling for any tenant with relevant experience to nominate for the Board of Glenloch Inc. The recent Association survey of management systems endorsed the former system of a manager with building supervisors unanimously. The Association has replied to the Board circular to tenants. All tenants who are not members of the Tenants Association are cordially invited to join at or by mail 16 Sutherland Road Armadale 3143.

Tenants Association letter about 2020 rents to Glenloch Inc Board Members:

This repeats the above:

1. Submission to the Board of Glenloch Inc in relation to the 2019 rent increases.

4. Notice to Residents from the Glenloch Inc Board dated 22nd June 2021.

Click the link to read the notice-
Glenloch Inc Document 22 June 21

5. Reply to 4 by Glenloch Tenants Association Incorporated.

Reply to Glenloch Inc notice to tenants dated 22nd June 2021 by
Glenloch Tenants Association Incorporated –
Information in reply is contained in the following items: 13.,14.,16.,23.,24.,26.,32.

6. Notice to Renters from the Glenloch Incorporated Board dated 19th August 2021.

Click the link to read the Board notice to residents-
Glenloch Inc Document 19 August 21

7. Association reply to Residents about Board document of 19 August 2021.

Glenloch Tenants Association Inc A0109567F


Dear Glenloch Resident

We thank the Housing Action Group for getting Glenloch residents split cycle systems.


Glenloch Inc in an unsigned notice that addressed you as ‘Renters’ refers to air systems. For months the Glenloch Tenants Association Inc has been requesting new heaters from Glenloch Inc management for some of the residents without heating. Management refused and told residents to buy their own electric heater and not use the installed dangerous gas wall furnaces leaving many residents without installed heating. The Tenants Association then consulted the Housing Action Group and now the Glenloch Tenants Association is pleased that as a result of the work by Housing Action offering to take Glenloch Inc to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal on behalf of the residents Glenloch Inc altered its conduct and now all residents of Glenloch Inc properties are to have split cycle systems installed by mid next year. Residents should be compensated for the electric heaters that will be redundant that they bought at the direction of the management.

We sincerely thank the Housing Action Group for getting Glenloch residents split cycle systems.

2. After the large rent increases introduced by the CEO in 2020 the Glenloch Tenants Association Inc was formed in August 2019 by concerned residents though too late to legally challenge those increases. Pursuant to a resolution of members the Association petitioned the Board of Glenloch Inc direct and the 2021 increases were subsequently contained within CPI. The Association will closely monitor any Glenloch Inc proposal for rent increases for the coming year 2022 and will engage with the Housing Action Group to foster the well-being of Glenloch Inc property residents.


We invite any qualified persons to put their name forward for membership of the Glenloch Inc Board as we as residents being the main income source of Glenloch Inc of almost $1.5 million pa do not have any representatives on the Board. Glenloch is a public charity trust and Glenloch Inc is an association that does not own the assets of Glenloch and is a mere trustee that can be removed. All residents are entitled to membership of the Glenloch Tenants Association Inc and we welcome you becoming a member of the Association that is incorporated under the laws of the State of Victoria.

The Secretary
Glenloch Tenants Association Inc
Snail: Glenloch Tenants Association Inc A0109567F 16 Sutherland Road Armadale
Housing For The Aged Action Group | HAAG

8. Association Letter re 3 Oates Lane Armadale.

The Board Glenloch Inc
674 High Street
Prahran 3181

22 September 2021

Dear Board

Re: Resident Caretaker at 3 Oates Lane Armadale

A VCAT and Stonnington CC condition for the approval of the retirement village at 3 Oates Lane Armadale was that there be a resident-manager and caretaker with a car parking space on the premises.

The accounts of Glenloch Inc shows there has only been one (1) employee of Glenloch Inc. for the past three years. The Board letter of 22nd June 2021 states: 'The Board is satisfied that the current management system of Glenloch, where all properties are managed by a full time Manager on the Board's behalf, is meeting the interests of all Glenloch's tenants.'

Please advise details of the resident-manager so that our members can be informed. Neighbours also have a concern on this matter as it was an agreed condition of the development.

Please reply to our email address below so we do not have to wait for the Council's advice.

Please reply to:

The Members Committee Glenloch Tenants Association Inc A0109567F 16 Sutherland Road Armadale 3143

cc The Manager Glenloch Inc.

9. Purported Notices from Glenloch Inc.

Glenloch Tenants Association Incorporated A0109567F
Re: Purported Notices from Glenloch Inc.

Glenloch Inc is a Charitable Trust that has forty seven million dollars ($47,000,000) in assets and one and a half million ($1,500,000) in income per annum from residents.

Two business documents have been sent to residents purporting to be from the Board of Glenloch Inc dated 22nd June 2021 and 19 August 2021. Neither business document is signed nor contains the registration details of Glenloch Inc. The statutory related provisions prescribing the format and prerequisites for business documents are hereunder.

The 19 August 2021 business document demeans residents as 'renters' and claims kudos for a proposal to supply air-conditioners when management refused to install heaters as required by law and acted only when faced with VCAT by Housing Action for the Aged Group for residents.

This raises issues of knowledge and compliance by management of the complex legal structure of the 'Glenloch' Charitable Trust involving Victorian, Commonwealth and Trust law.

As the business documents are unsigned as required by law their veracity as Board documents is uncertain.


22 Execution of documents (including deeds) by an association (1) An association may execute a document without using a common seal if the document is signed by 2 of its authorised signatories.

23 Name must appear on business documents etc. (2) An incorporated association must ensure that the registration number specified in its certificate of registration appears in legible characters— (b) in all its business documents. Penalty: 5 penalty units

The Secretary, Glenloch Tenants Association Inc. Email: Snail Mail: u9, 16 Sutherland Road Armadale 3143 cc Consumer Affairs Victoria Compliance

10. Kerrie Howard letter 4 Oct 2021

Kerrie Howard Glenloch Inc 674 High Street Prahran 3181

4 October 2021

Dear Kerrie Howard

Re: Office Holders of Glenloch Inc

Who are the Directors and who is the Secretary of Glenloch Inc?

In view of the resignations of the former Board and termination of the former Manager, the advertisement for a new Board in ProBonoAustralia and arrival of a new Executive Director paid partly from money from the Mayors Charitable Fund for three years now expired (who apparently is not a Director but seems to be Secretary) could we please have some clarity as to whom are the office holders and their positions.

In the 2020 accounts (ye 30 June 2020) Kerrie Howard is noted as VP/Secretary and John Candlish is noted as CEO/Secretary.

On the ACNC website at John Candlish is listed as Secretary and Wendy Li Siaw is listed as Secretary

Query: 1) Is John Candlish an Office Holder of Glenloch Inc?
2) Is John Candlish a Member of Glenloch Inc?
3) Is John Candlish a Board Member of Glenloch Inc?
4) Is John Candlish a Secretary of Glenloch Inc?
5) Is the ACNC information incorrect as the Rules of Glenloch Inc do not allow two Secretaries unless one is Vice President?
6) Are the Rules of Glenloch Inc in the ACNC and Associations Regulator websites the current Rules or are they earlier superceded Rules?

Glenloch Tenants Association Inc A0109567F
Snail: The Secretary, u9 16 Sutherland Road, Armadale VIC 3143

11. Glenloch Inc Accounts Extracts 2013 to 2022 and graph from those Accounts.

Financial details from 2013.
Financial details cont.

12. RULES A0023152Y....

CAV official search result.


Donations from 2013.

15.Glenloch Inc and Related Party Transactions.

From Item 12 on the website above it can be seen from Consumer Affairs records Mr M Keenan was the Public Officer of Glenloch Inc from 14 October 2008. Along with President Pamela Swansson signed the transfer for the conveyance of Oates Lane Armadale on 3rd June 2010 as Secretary/Manager. From the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission ‘ACNC’ website he is noted in the financial accounts as Manager-Secretary in the 2015 and 2016 periods with John Candlish taking over in November 2017.

The financial accounts of Glenloch Inc lodged with the ACNC for 2013 to 2021 do not disclose any related party transactions and from 2016 to 2021 state there were no related party transactions and a letter to the auditor on 17 September 2019 states inter alia there were no related party transactions Reference is made to Rule 42(6) available on this website and similar provisions in earlier rules and the prohibitions therein on related party contracts.

Prior to this period or parts of this period Glenloch housed 189 persons and expended $6.7 million to acquire 20 more at 34E Rose Street Armadale but through joining units often without Council approval the number of persons housed was reduced to 165 units. The Mr Dereck Hahn son-in-law of Mr M Keenan through business or businesses such as ABN 12 679 016 400 and City Handyman and a family trading trust Hahn Family Trust contracted with Glenloch Inc.

Mr Keenan over many months trained John Candlish to take over his part-time position but with a full time salary ($198,047 for 2021 from Item 14. Salaries) of collecting the rents (direct debit of aged pensions) and interviewing new tenants and arranging repair services and has continued to engage the same contractor.

16.Rent Increases 2019 Null and Void.

John Candlish has been removed from the position of Secretary that he took over from the former manager M Keenan on or about November 2017. Reference is made to the letter to the President above. Rule 42(6) of the Glenloch Inc Rules preclude a Board member holding an office of profit from Glenloch Inc and from the Salaries information above the office of profit involved is very profitable. A Board member must also be a member. Secretary is a Board position under the Rules of Glenloch Inc. If the Secretary was not entitled to the position the Board is not legally constituted and its decisions are null and void. This includes the 2019 rent increases of about four times CPI that was notified to residents under the hand of John Candlish. Your Association is currently dealing with advisers as to how this legal matter can be pursued.

17. Board Implodes and Exits.

In 2018 five of the ten members of the Board resigned. This was followed in 2019 by four of the original ten members also resigning. This was a long standing and stable Board that imploded.

Over the prior ten years and possibly earlier the Board administration had become riddled with related party contracts and this was not just the Manager-Secretary. The matter had come to a head with the Auditor becoming aware of issues that resulted in a demand for a representational letter about the affairs and administration of Glenloch Inc. that was signed by the sole remaining Board member Isabella Edgoose of the original ten members. Michael Hughes was Treasurer and his name appears on the financial accounts for the year so why did not he sign the representational letter as he would be in control and had responsibility for the information sought by the Auditor.

A mess had developed under the Board contrary to the Rules of Glenloch Inc with the participation of some and no knowledge of others. The Board had split five to five and the President as Chairperson had the casting vote under the Rules of Glenloch Inc. The ACNC with 68,000 charities does not have sufficient resources and the tenants had no representation. Instead of facing the issues and bringing to account all persons a management system was installed that would create a mess that would cover over the mess developed under their administration -’nothing to see here’. The Manager-Secretary over months showed John Candlish how to collect rents etc and was terminated and paid out while the new job appointee was given a full time salary for a part time job (checking the rental direct debits is barely a job) who immediately assumed the role of Secretary and Board member against numerous prohibitions in the Rules of Glenloch Inc. The rest of the Board bar the one mentioned above then resigned and headed for the exit.

The Tenants Association is considering proceedings in the Federal Court to uncover everything that caused the Board of Glenloch Inc to implode.

18. Purposes of the Trust named Glenloch.

Purposes of Glenloch Inc From the Annual Information Statement filed for 2013 to 2021 from the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission website at

The relief of poverty, sickness or the needs of the aged
Other: null
Housing activities
By the on-going provision of secure, low cost accommodation to independent age pensioners in high rental areas of Melbourne's inner south-eastern suburbs
Housing activities
By the on-going provision of secure, low cost accommodation to independent age pensioners in high rental areas of Melbourne's inner south-eastern suburbs
Housing activities
Economic, social and community development
Glenloch's on-going operations in the provision of discounted rental accommodation for age-pensioners, who are able to live independently, continues to service a high demand, short supply social need. In addition to its existing stock of some 146 residential units, another 20 are now under construction. 2017
Housing activities
Other: Affordable housing for people on the aged pension
Glenloch provided affordable housing for people on the aged pension.
Housing activities
Glenloch assists aged pensioners to access affordable housing
Glenloch provides comfortable, affordable housing for those in receipt of the full Australian Aged Pension.
Housing development
Providing affordable, sustainable accommodation for people receiving the full Australian Aged Pension.
Housing development
Provide affordable & sustainable rental accommodation for aged pensioners
Housing development

19. CEO qualifications and experience.

BA Communications Deakin
Masters Communications RMIT
Interact Jobplus (labour hire) -employment consultant
CRS Australia (disability employment) - employment consultant
Vision Australia – compliance officer
A recent advertisement gives job description:
Compliance Officer functions:
Review and maintain contractual obligations;
Manage and monitor complaints;
Maintain digital portals;
Prepare documents for meetings, reports.
Salary $65,000 pa and super
Nazareth House – manager

20. An Office of Profit and Secretary.

Office of Profit and the Rules of Glenloch Inc.
Rule 42(6) of Glenloch Inc a public charitable trust provides that a Board member cannot hold an office of profit from Glenloch Inc. In 2018/2019 the Board imploded when nine of the ten members resigned and the manager was terminated steeped in related party dealings (denied to the ACNC the regulator). John Candlish was appointed to his job and then advertised in Pro Bono Australia for a new Board as Secretary and CEO of Glenloch Inc. The Secretary is by the Rules of Glenloch Inc a Board member. The CEO advised the Registrar of Associations he was Secretary in 2017, 2018, and 2019 until removed in October 2020 after complaint by the Tenants Association. With no formal qualifications for the position of real estate property manager the CEO while in breach of Rules of Glenloch Inc pocketed:
over $550,000 for 3 years
approaching ¾ million dollars in all to date
(Quite an Office of Profit)

Glenloch Inc is trustee of a public charitable trust dealing with trust money.

21. Rule 42 sub rule 6.

Rule 42 subrule 6
Breaches of the Rules of Glenloch Inc by CEO John Candlish-
Rule 42(6)
No member of the Board shall hold any office of profit from the Association or…
(see full text Rules of Glenloch Inc. at
John Candlish aka CEO acted as Secretary and Board member – see above dates notified to Registrar of Associations
26 November 2012 (typo 2017), 15 February2018, 26 February 2019 with Kerrie Howard taking the position 20 October2021
Payments made and liabilities accrued for the John Candlish aka CEO
2018* $183,648.00
2019 $160,238.00
2020 $191,880.00
2021 $198,047.00
2022* $?
Total $733,813.00**
* part year
** part years adjustment required – information not available
(for three years about ¼ of the expenses of the 6 blocks of apartments has gone to the CEO not repairs)
Add $55,000 property development report that was shelved in the 2020 accounts and $7,000 for a lease document in the
2021 accounts that any real estate property manager could easily draw as part of their normal job by using the
standard lease and adding special conditions.

22. Property developer too?

‘Housing development’ has been added to the 2019 to 2021 Annual Information Statement (AIS) lodged with the ACNC on the website This is an issue for the Courts as changing the purposes or objects of a trust is not within the power of trustees unless authorised. Successful property developers set up foundations and donate to charity while the CEO has had his salary subsidised from a $95,000 donation over three years from the Lord Mayors Charitable Foundation that has been used up while private donations to Glenloch have fallen to almost zero under this CEO – see the graph of Donations to Glenloch on The former manager Keenan signed the documents to acquire the Oates Lane Armadale development with the President in 2010 and saw the development through to completion in 2018 as part of his part-time job and complained to residents he did not have enough to do in his part-time job 9-1 M-F even with this development. The Oates Lane rents did not cover the mortgages that had to be paid by all the residents at the expense of rusty stoves, threadbare carpets, gas heaters expelling carbon monoxide etc and general falling standards of maintenance and security. The 2020 accounts shows $55,000 on a planning and capital report that was shelved. The 2021 accounts $7,000 for consultation for a lease probably as it is not stated while real estate property managers do this as part of their duties using the standard lease and adding special conditions. Most of the leases nominate Glenloch Homes for the Elderly Inc as landlord a defunct association as landlord not Glenloch Inc even though signed by the later so it will be interesting whenever this gets to court.

23. Income Expenses Surplus Salary 2013 to 2022 Glenloch Inc.

Financial details.
Financial details cont.
Financial details cont.

24. Glenloch Inc average rent now exceeds qualifying Rent Assistance.

See Twelfth Post 17 February 2022
Average rent now exceeds qualifying Rent Assistance.

25. Interest Rate Cycle moves against CEO on ‘Housing development’.

Please see Eleventh Post 17 February 2022
The CEO has changed the activities of Glenloch Inc to 'Housing development' on the ACNC website a function fraught with risk and not for the inexperienced especially where Trustees can face personal liability. The CEO has had 5 years to introduce double glazing, solar electric and solar hot water and now gas and electricity charges are rising we are years behind getting a proposal to the Board and most Glenloch buildings are very suitable with flat roofs and gas flues to the roof and now a new national carbon target has been set and Glenloch is caught with no carbon plan. Arranging new kitchens and bathrooms is not property development.

26. The millions you have paid off Glenloch's loans.

$ Residents have paid.

27. Wages of full time caretaker at Glenloch Grove 34E Rose Street Armadale.

Glenloch Grove caretaker and Stonnington.

28. No Building Supervisors Independent Living Independent Dying.

No Building Supervisors

29. Stonnington Council members of Glenloch Inc Board have gone?

In 2019 Candlish advertised in ProBono Australia for new board members [The advertisement for Board members in 2019 is at:] and six joined that year but four of them have left.
For many years there were two representatives from Stonnington Council and sometimes a third representative. These professionals
were an asset to Glenloch. Upon request by your Association we were advised on 30 March 2022 by Council why they are no longer
board members. Your Association wrote to Stonnington Council about the absence of their representatives on the Board with the

Dear Stonnington Council
Residents at the establishment, Glenloch Homes Inc (a Victorian Charitable Trust since 1891) is run with a Committee of
Management (now referred to as the Board) have noticed that the usual members of councillors who sat on this committee for
many years, have disappeared over the past 3 to 4 years. As some residents have been here over 20 plus years and are used
to seeing the familiar faces of Councillors and felt very comfortable knowing that the Council was concerned and involved
this has perplexed us.
Councillor Chris Gahan and Councillor Claud Ullin and I believe in later years another person who I don't have a name for
were always present at committee meetings and I think at some stages reports were put to Council at your meetings.
We feel that the council should still have at least 2 or 3 members on this Board.
There are 6 sites with over 160 elderly people at Glenloch and we always welcomed the councillors help and the fact that
these councillors talked to us and took some of our concerns back to meetings and council.
Hoping that you will be able to give this your thought and actions.
Maeve Cooper-Browne Secretary for
Glenloch Tenants Association IncA0109567F

This is from the Council reply by email:
'I can advise that on 1 February 2019 Council received an email from John Candlish – CEO of Glenloch Homes stating that he no longer required a representative from Stonnington Council to attend the monthly Board meetings.Please be assured that while Council no longer has representation on the Board of Glenloch Homes, we are still very happy to assist with Council matters that may arise from time to time. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Kind regards.'

30. Grumblings.

Mumble One.
The higher rents of Glenloch Inc under the current manager are not covered by the rent supplement – see Item 24. herein-while the age pensioner March 2022 Qtr Living Cost Index was the largest quarterly rise since the September 2000 Qtr with the GST introduction-see Item 32. herein. The higher rents are being paid out of the living expenses of residents’ age pension that are now under severe strain while the CEO is being paid $198,047.00 pa to do the same part-time job of the former manager at three times the cost to age pensioner residents-see Iem 14.
Mumble Two.
Aroused from a snooze…. ‘...a while back the manager was checking for water leaks in our building complaining about renters using too much water costing too much etc etc…... was the manager recently seen washing his car at work?… is that part of the job description?
Mumble Three.
Chatting to another renter… ‘...the tenant renter from the landLORD locked themselves out and got entry from another renter...the manager complained everything has to go through him...usually the manager says to work things out yourself...which one is it?... What happens when the Manager is away, or sick, on holidays or not at High Street?
Mumble Four..
Soub… is lying on the floor incapacitated and has been for a long period and no one is aware… everything has to go through the manager in High Street…45 Sutherland Street does not have a caretaker or body corporate like most buildings… …the second case in this building...the other noted herein at item 28.
Mumble Five..
How to remove an inappropriate Executive.
One way is ‘for cause’ and another way is ‘without cause’ that covers a very wide field of options including an inspired one of an educational qualifications requirement of the position not currently held by the Executive as shown by our Lord and Saviour Jesus from a House in Nazareth...
Mumble Six.
Gas leaks and disability issues.
A tenant of Glenloch was suffering from toxic fumes for about 3 - 4 days and phoned the Manager who sent a plumber. After deciding there was nothing wrong in the apartment reported he investigated further ie leaking gas meters etc. He asked the tenant above the flat could he investigate and was told nothing, but another neighbour who lives opposite told the plumber that the occupant in said apartment has lit the gas twice and his carer had found it running but not lit. This was over the 4 days that fumes were experienced. The Plumber explained to complaintant that the gas drops and that it would be the fumes coming thru the floor and ceiling and find a ground level to settle. Thank you to the Plumber for informing people still awaiting the Manager.
Mumble Seven.
Incapacitated and ignored.
A tenant was found by his friend lying on the floor from the day before She went to the person who has been allocated by the Manager to access Master Keys but a phone call has to be made to the Manager as he changes the combination to Master Keys everytime the lady that he has appointed uses it so she cannot use it without his knowledge! Hope no one falls in the middle of the night. This is not the first time a tenant has laid on the floor for more than 24 hours. No supervision at all in any of the 7 sites.

31. Maurice Blackburn Free Claim Checker.

Maurice Blackburn Lawyers - Free Claim Check online
Public place injury compensation – this includes rental properties. See the Maurice Blackburn Free Claim Check online at:
Maurice Blackburn Lawyers

32. Age Pensioner Living Cost Index March Qtr 2022.

Age Pensioner Living Cost Index March Qtr 2022.
The yearly increase to the December Qtr 2022 was 7.4% see-

34. Certificate for Glenloch Residents Association Inc A0109567F.

Certificate for Glenloch Residents Association Inc A0109567F.

35. Charity sells and evicts residents.

Launch Housing a not-for-profit is selling its St Kilda building as it considers it too expensive to maintain. Launch Housing recently announced the 14-bedroom, 7 Princes Street home was “running at a financial loss” due to maintenance and will be sold. Chief executive Jack Panton “While we are a not-for-profit organisation, we still need to ensure we financially break even across our program areas to keep meeting increasing community demand for our services and supports,” …

36. Reply from Katie Allen MP to your Association re issues before ACNC.

Your Association raised with the ACNC a number of issues including related party contracts with management and the Board and breaches of the Governance Rules of Glenloch Inc and requested our local member K Allen to pursue those issues with the ACNC. The reply to your Association from our local MP at that time follows: Reply from Katie Allen MP.

37. Where has management put the Supervisors wages and super in the accounts?

Instead of somewhere obvious like salaries or wages in Expenses why not bury them in Administration Costs? PAYE, Super, etc too much trouble not to mention that pesky ATO mob. So where is the Supervisor's super?

Supervisors wages and super

38. Pension and Rent Subsidy from 20 Sep 2023.

Pension and Rent Subsidy from 20 Sep 2022
Cost and Inflation Issues for Pensioners:
CPI rose 1.8 per cent in the September 2022 quarter
Non-discretionary inflation reaches a new high
Non-discretionary annual inflation increased to 8.4% in the September quarter, up from 7.6% in the June quarter. This continues to be well above Discretionary Annual Inflation of 5.5%.
Treasurers budget speech 25 October 2022:
“Inflation is expected to peak at 7 ¾ per cent later this year, before moderating over time, to 3 ½ per cent through 2023–⁠24, and returning to the Reserve
Bank’s target range in 2024–25.”
Electricity and Gas prices increase 2022 Budget Oct. - see 22nd Blog hereafter.
The Age pension increased 4% for 20/09/2021 to 20/09/2022
The Age pensioner Living Cost Index was 1.3% for the June Qtr 2022. See ABS 3/8/2022 Media Release hereunder.
The Age pensioner Living Cost Index was 2.3% for the March Qtr 2022. See ABS chart item 32. hereunder.
Age pensioner households had the highest annual increase (+5.2%). This is the largest annual increase since the
September 2006 quarter for this household type. Food and Housing make up a higher proportion of expenditure for Age
Pensioner households compared to the other household types.
ABS - Media Release 3/08/2022
ABS Media Release

Pension and Rent Subsidy
RBA and ABS and Rent CPI

39. Glenloch Inc Governance Rules

Some of the Rule changes in the new Glenloch Inc Governance Document:
A. Previously the Board had up to 15 members - Rule 42(4). Now it is at least 5 – Rule 31.
B. Now the Board meets 4 times per year – Rule 41.
C. The Secretary is no longer a Board Member – old Rule 45, new Rule 39.1.
NB The Secretary (and Manager) is an Office Holder under the AIRA2012 s82 that cannot be overridden by Glenloch Inc.
D. Old Rule 42(6) has been omitted so now the Board Members and others can profit personally from your rent money and the donations to Glenloch Inc as was the practice of the former Manager using related party contracts.
E. Under new rule 32 a resident cannot be a Board member.
NB Civil Penalties applying to Office Holders s146 AIRA 2012. Also: Duty of Care s84; Duty of Good Faith s85; Records 7 years s89; Audit s99 etc...
CAV shows there are 8 Board members but the ACNC states there are 5 as at the date of searching 20 Sep 2022. The CAV website also has the incorrect Purposes Clause.
Commonwealth Minister for the ACNC
The Minister responsible for the ACNC is The Hon Dr Andrew Leigh, MP. Read The Hon Dr Andrew Leigh's biography- helps charities understand and meet their
obligations through information, guidance, advice and other support helps the public understand the work of the not-for profit sector through
information, guidance, advice and other support

40. Reply to the Glenloch Inc President’s Report 2022.

Reply to the Glenloch Inc President’s Report 2022
The President’s Report 2022 is a litany of what went wrong at Glenloch Inc in the year to June 2022. In 2020 the Charities Guide wrote:
"Glenloch Incorporated has seen an average annual growth of 4% in revenue versus a 7% p.a. increase in expenses. This imbalance can sometimes mean a challenge for long-term financial management."
Glenloch Expenses increased 11% in 2021 and 63% in 2022 and total rents fallen both years and now using up Reserves.
The report is wrong to state the High Street property was bought from residents rent – the money came from a donation of 10 acres at Cheltenham in 1890 and public donations to build a hospital. Part of the land was sold in 1956 to War Veterans Homes Trust and the rest sold and 674 High Street purchased with those funds by the Melbourne Convalescent Home for Men the predecessor of Glenloch Inc. The title deed for High St and Wattletree shows there was no mortgage. This applies to all Glenloch Inc properties with the Government and donations supplying additional funds except for Oates Lane a development that cost residents almost ½ Million per bedsit that will never cover its costs and starved maintenance funds for 2010 to 2021 – eg Lori Noel on facebook.
For most of its history the charity (since 1991 called Glenloch) was run by the Victorian Hospitals and Charities Commission.
Under current management Public charitable contributions to Glenloch donations are now almost non-existent and 18 Board Members have resigned -Unprecedented - see 41 following. The Manager has informed residents he practices kick-boxing.
The President’s report is a public document that the law imposes a duty of accuracy and needs to be amended.

41.Why is the Glenloch Inc Board Churning?

The following shows the churn in the Board under the current manager.

42.Budget 2023 - Solar and Social Housing

The $1.3 billion Household Energy Upgrades Fund will create low‑interest loans and fund upgrades to social housing to improve energy performance. Management has had five years to put a proposal to the Board but we have seen no action.


1st Post 5 Oct 21

ACNC Website:
t On the ACNC website two people are named as Secretary and neither is Vice-President so Glenloch Inc
is breaching its own rule 45:

45 Composition of Board

(1) The Board consists of-

(a) a President; and
(b) two Vice-Presidents; and
(c) subject to subrule (2), a Secretary; and
(d) a Treasurer; and
(e) ordinary Board members (if any) elected under rule 54.
(2) The Board may elect a person who is appointed as a Vice-President to also hold the
office of Secretary.

2nd Post 1 December 2021

For an independent assessment of the management including financial management of Glenloch Inc: for the accounts to 2020 Their assessment:
Revenue vs Expenses
"Glenloch Incorporated has seen an average annual growth of 4% in revenue versus a 7% p.a. increase in expenses.
This imbalance can sometimes mean a challenge for long-term financial management."
Looking at the 2022 accounts shows the assessment of Charities Guide was accurate with a foreboding precipitous collapse of the financial position approaching insolvent trading (w/o raiding Reserves).

3rd Post 3 December 2021

On 17/09/2019, Isabella Edgoose signed a representation and responsibility letter to the Auditor of Glenloch Inc1. In the period 2018-19 nine of the 10 Board members resigned and the part-time Manager had also departed with the new manager Executive-Director advertising for a new Board in Pro Bono Australia. Glenloch Tenants Association Inc. A0109567F has referred certain matters to the ACNC, the Associations Regulator and requested our Federal Member of Parliament to pursue the referral for your Association. The publication of the Charity Guide assessment of Glenloch Inc up to the 2020 period follows.
Charityguide advice on Glenloch Inc finances.

4th Post 3rd January 2022

In reference to 10. Kerrie Howard letter 4 Oct 2021 above, the ACNC webpage noting John Candlish as Secretary has been removed. From the Registrar of Associations Extract 12. RULES A0023152Y.… above the President is now Secretary.

5th Post 3rd January 2022

The first page of the 2014 and 2015 financial accounts was not filed with the ACNC but copies were made available to residents. The first page of the 2016 financial accounts was filed with the ACNC and is currently on the ACNC website. These three documents show M Keenan as Manager-Secretary from 2014 to 2016 inclusive and possibly until 2019. The 2020 and 2021 financial accounts show J Candlish as Secretary as does the Extract 12. RULES A0023152Y.... above. Rule 42(6) precludes a Board member having an office of profit from Glenloch Inc., contracting with Glenloch Inc., and requires Board members disclosing conflicts of interest. Query, was the Board validly constituted and therefore inter alia were the 2019 rent increases null and void.

6th Post 5th January 2022

The Secretary of Glenloch Inc is under the Rules of Glenloch Inc a Board member and the Board sets the rents not the CEO (Manager). From the Extract from Consumer Affairs Victoria shown as 12. Rules on this website the CEO was noted as Secretary for the periods listed therein. As the CEO has a salary of almost $200,000 (see 14. above) Rule 42(6) of the current Rules of Glenloch Inc prohibits a Board member having an office of profit from Glenloch Inc. As the Board was wrongly constituted it raises the issue was the rent increase of almost four times CPI in 2019 legally null and void. This is being pursued by the Tenants Association with Consumer Affairs Victoria, the Registrar of Associations and our advisers.
The Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission website shows for 2021 there was one employee of Glenloch Inc paid $169,699 and annual leave and long service liabilities of Glenloch Inc of $28,348 total of $198,047 being 19.14% of expenses as per the ACNC website or 22.50% of expenses for the total expense. This position was formerly done part-time Monday to Friday by Mr Keenan for over ten years and was done voluntarily by Life Governor Mr Robertson for decades and who is endorsed by those residents still with us as superb. Our survey of tenants on the current management system unanimously want to return to the prior system of management as all apartment blocks have a body corporate for on-site control.
The $95,000 contribution from the Lord Mayors Charitable Foundation to the salary of the manager over three years has now been used up and donations to Glenloch Inc are close to zero during the tenure of the CEO who has failed to increase donations meaning all expenses including are being paid from the pension rent money of aged residents who are living in poverty to support the $198,047 going to one person to check the rent is paid from a direct debit list of rents. It is time for this CEO to move on. Professional real estate property managers charge less than 5% of rent by agreement almost one third of the current wages expense. Almost one quarter of the expenses for the 6 apartment blocks is not being spent on the buildings.

The Lord Mayors Charitable Foundation
Thrive Grant Recipients Announced 26th June 2017
$95,000 over three years for an Executive Director for Glenloch Inc.

7th Post 7th January 2022

The Board implodes and 9 out of 10 leave and against the Rules of Glenloch Inc the invalidly appointed Secretary has an advertisement in ProBonoAustralia asking for new Board members to apply that states the Secretary of the Board is CEO

8th Post 23 January 2022 - CEO of myself

John Candlish, CEO of a Charity with One Employee – derisive hubris.
CEO is not a role under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 that governs Glenloch Inc.
Glenloch Inc is complexly governed by Commonwealth, Victorian and Trust law.
Life Governor Ross Robertson according to long-term residents excellently managed Glenloch and this was done as a volunteer for many years. Mr Foley was employed for a period until Mr Keenan took the role as a part-time manager for 10 years from 9-1, M-F and complained to residents about having to fill in the time with little to do. Keenan was public officer under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 essentially Secretary and as Secretary under the Reform Act.
The functions of the manager have not increased but become easier as rents are no longer collected in cash but by direct debit. The job description fits a competent and qualified real estate property manager. Candlish does not have these qualifications but communications suited to public relations not substantive functions such as real estate law and practice.
When the Board imploded with 9 of the 10 Board members exiting Glenloch Inc in acrimonious dispute Candlish advertised in Pro Bono Australia illegally as Secretary and Board member and interviewed and selected his own Board. He illegally purported to change the purposes of Glenloch Inc from public charitable trust into a real estate property developer of housing development (see 18. above) for which he has no experience or qualifications (see 19. above). What was the $55,000 loss for a planning report in the accounts?
On the complaint of the Tenants Association Candlish was removed as Secretary and Board member (see 10. above) on a technical ground. The more important issue was a breach of trust law and the Rules of Glenloch Inc that he was specifically stopped by having a financial interest in Glenloch Inc that he ignored or was unaware – both sack-able offences for a CEO. Rule 42(6) provides that no member of the Board shall hold an office of profit from the Association (see 14. Salaries show Candlish received $550,165 over the last 3 years and $198,047 for 2021 for a part-time job being 22.8% of all expenses for the 6 buildings of Glenloch). This is a very profitable office of profit from the Association. He has used up the $95,000 over three years from the Lord Mayors Charitable Foundation subsidising his salary and failed to increase private donations (see 13. Donations above – now almost ZERO!). Average expenses have increased for the last 5 years of Keenan management from $530,000 to $827,000 under Candlish (as predicted by Charitiesguide and denied by Candlish with a broadsheet to residents) with the last reported year of 2021 of $877,000 of which 23% went to himself paid for by prohibitive
rent increases on aged pensioners (especially egregious rents for new tenants).
Flying under the cloud of Covid over the last years has put $550,000 into the pocket of the manager Candlish for a part-time job (he cant even role out an air-conditioning contract on time) and run down the standards of the buildings.

9th Post 1 February 2022

Work it out amongst yourselves!
On Saturday29th January 2002 two residents were talking outside their residence at a normal volume at 45 Sutherland on a balmy summer evening when someone further to the front of the building called out in a loud voice “SHUT UP ARSE” that could be heard by any resident whose unit faces onto the courtyard of 45 and 47 Sutherland being most residents of those units.
The response was a quick “shut up yourself. I will report you to John”.
Swearing in public is an offence under the Summary Offences Act. It is unpleasant for residents. In the past a complaint to the same John Candlish about a resident calling out “SHUT THE FUCK UP” met with “Work it out amongst yourselves!” There was no point in engaging management who has failed to lay down reasonable decibel rules for residents to follow that with mobile phone apps is an easy response to this issue. All private rental unit blocks have a body corporate where issues can be referred for resolution but with a single point of contact at High Street the other five Glenloch buildings are discarded to self-help. Glenloch Inc has a duty to provide quiet enjoyment under the lease and it is the job of management to work out a compromise between that and the problem of the design flaws of these buildings that face each other at about 10 metres that creates an echo chamber. This response from management is not good enough-
Work it out amongst yourselves!

10th Post 2 February 2022

Some Contacts for Residents.

Commonwealth Ombudsman

Victorian Ombudsman

Commonweal Govt Member for Higgins Katrina Jane Allen FAHMS PO Box 6022 House of Representatives Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600

Victorian Govt Member for Malvern Michael O’Brien

VCAT Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal

11th Post 17 February 2022

Interest Rate Cycle moves against CEO on ‘Housing development’
Interest Rate Cycle moves against the CEO's ‘Housing development’ on the ACNC website Annual Information Statement
From the cash flow statements in the published accounts available online from the ACNC website from at least 2013 onwards Oates Lane caused stress for the residents of Glenloch Inc who had to pay for it. The surpluses were consumed by debt repayments actual cash balances were minimal. The surpluses that should have gone back to the residents as building upkeep and improvements was put into the money sink-hole Oates Lane. Item 23 -Income Expenses Salary and Surplus- shows surpluses for Glenloch Inc are static. This CEO spent $55,000 on a shelved property report and has missed the development best opportunity period with the now deteriorating interest rate cycle for many years into the foreseeable future. Building insolvencies are expected to keep increasing over the next two years. The Governor of the Reserve Bank has stated inflation is expected to keep rising interest rates will rise and CPI will be 7%. Last month construction insolvencies in Australia were 47 per cent higher than the year before, according to data from Equifax. Source: The Australian June 17, 2022.

12th Post 17 February 2022

Glenloch Inc average rent and now exceeding the maximum Rent Assistance 'RA'(formula follows)

Since the CEO took over management of Glenloch Inc from 2019 onward average rent has increased so much RA on average exceeds the maximum RA calculated using the formula [(Rent-Threshold)*3/4 but must be less then the prescribed Maximum RA]. This is pushing aged pensioners into poverty. Glenloch Inc under this CEO has on average taken the rent assistance that is assistance to the tenant not the landlord and forced residents to contribute from living costs. The CEO is doing the same job as Mr Keenan who did the job for ten years part-time 9am-1pm Monday to Friday and Mr Keenan complained to residents he did not have enough to do in the time allotted. Mr Keenan also saw from purchase the development and completion of the 20 unit block at Oates Lane Armadale. The current CEO was on the Board as Secretary illegally for over 3 years as this was and is prohibited by the Rules of Glenloch Inc. From that position he has had influence over the Board of Glenloch Inc and his remuneration (currently almost $200,000 and almost four times the salary of the former manager) contrary to the Rules and about one-quarter of total expenditure on the seven unit blocks of the charity. Item 23 -Income Expenses Salary and Surplus- shows how rents have increased to cover this one salary while the surplus is stagnant.

13th Post 24 February 2022

Bouquet or Brickbat? 20 new Residents
The Presidents Report for y.e 30th June 2020 states:
I would like to personally thank John Candlish, our CEO, for his work during 2019/20. … updating of twenty units .... He has also ensured that Glenloch has maintained full occupancy for the majority of 2019/20. With 100,000 on the Victorian Public Housing Waiting List finding a few residents and a getting painter and a cheap kitchen *20 in one year.

14th Post 27 February 2022

No general rent rise 2022 but average rent is rising. How?
How are average rents increasing in a year while most rents have remained the same. When a resident moves out the new tenant is being charged an increased rent often 30% to 40% more than the former tenant. Thus the average for all the tenants is increasing putting the onus of increasing revenue on the new tenants. This is often done under the guise of ‘renovation’ though the law requires rentals to be maintained at a level consistent with the recent amendments to the Residential Tenancies Act. Many units have suffered limited refurbishment for reasons discussed in the blog.

15th Post 7 May 2022

The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING April 20, 2022 passed a resolution to change the name of the Association to Glenloch Residents Association Incorporated A0109567F. The Regulator has been notified.

16th Post 11 May 2022

We have been informed by the electoral office of one of the candidates in our Federal Electorate that the Manager Candlish informed the candidate they were not welcome to talk to Glenloch residents on Glenloch Inc property. The offer to talk to residents was being made to Liberal, Labor, Greens and any other person or group on the ballot as an information session. No preference was shown or endorsement given to any of the speakers who would agree to attend.
Representatives from your Association have been invited to meet Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah our new Federal Member of Parliament.
Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah elected as the Member for Higgins
The Manager of Glenloch Inc John Candlish prior to the 21st May 2022 Federal election prohibited Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah from the Alfred giving a talk to your Association members at Glenloch so proposed talks by candidates from all parties were discontinued. Congratulations Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah who has been elected as our Federal member of Parliament as the Member for Higgins.

17th Post 12 May 2022

When clause 20 of the lease is invoked that requires consultation with two Board members and the resident the Manager ignores the request so there is no communication with the Board about management.

18th Post 1 June2022

Due to insecurity brought to Glenloch by management including changing Glenloch purposes as shown on the ACNC website to ‘Housing development’ where management has no experience many residents are putting their names down for alternative more secure long-term residency with some already having moved to another housing supplier. Some housing providers require registration on the Victorian Housing Register that is at

19th Post 5 July 2022

Food scraps have been dumped at the rear of 45 Sutherland Road for over 12 months and the person responsible has been seen by two residents who reported this to the Manager who has responded by installing rat traps. If this was an IQ test the score would be 70. FoodScraps

20th Post 2 August 2022

The Plumber doing the roof at 16 Sutherland Road informed a member of the Association that the roof they removed was in very good condition and did not need replacing and that it was only the area around a few limited areas such as the roof light installations that required maintenance. Competent plumbers can locate leaks using smart technology. A roof is in good condition is serviceable for decades. It is not necessary to replace a roof to fix a leak. The Charities Guide predicted expenditures blowout at Glenloch Inc. More waste for want of an experienced property manager.

21st Post 20 Sept 2022

“ I’m a very busy person.”
“Dont come to the office without an appointment.
These are two recent remarks to residents by management.

22nd Post 1 Oct 2022

Treasurer's Budget Speech Oct 2022
Electricity prices Treasury estimates that electricity prices will rise by an average of 20 per cent in late 2022, before jumping by a further 30 per cent in 2023-24.
"This rise in wholesale electricity and gas prices can be expected to flow through to higher consumer prices as wholesale contracts are renewed," Treasury notes in its budget statement.
Gas prices are expected to increase over 40% over the next 2 years. Most Glenloch buildings have a flat north facing roof already flued for gas and so eminently suited to solar electricity and hot water. The CEO has had 5 years to put a selection of proposals to the Board and action taken to safeguard against these contingencies including climate change that were well known in advance.

23rd Post 23 Jan 2023

Related Party Transactions and Glenloch Inc See above:
Correspondence: 15.Glenloch Inc and Related Party Transactions.
After representations by your Association to our former Member of Parliament Katie Allen and her work with the charities regulator ACNC all charities in future will have to separately disclose related party contracts. See:
ACNC Related Party Transactions.

24th Post 9 Mar 2023

Malicious Damage at Glenloch
This is assumed to be the result of a dispute between some residents in relation to parking issues. The unregistered trailer of a Glenloch contractor has been stored in the rear of 45-47 Sutherland Road for about 3 years (why did the manager allow this?). The Board/Auditor needs to resolve this to comply with the new related party contract disclosure rules in the 2023 accounts. When a dispute arose about a resident washing their car at 45 Sutherland Road the pump was maliciously damaged to stop the use of Glenloch water for private purposes. The Manager removed the rain water tank rather than repair a pipe and that has escalated the dispute to malicious damage of cutting the hose to stop car washing while the Manager allows the use of water at 16 Sutherland for one resident to run a car wash business on Glenloch premises.

25th Post 15th Mar 2023

Police visit 45 Sutherland Road
At 6pm on Tuesday 14th March the Police visited 45 Sutherland Road in respect of a possible crime of threats of serious violence. Glenloch is becoming an unsafe environment for residents. The Manager has previously ignored criminal conduct even when it involved malicious damage to Glenloch property. Glenloch has legal obligations and walking away does not meet those duties.